GCC-GERMAN BUSINESS INVEST® | MEMBERSHIP The GCCGBI® Membership is By Invitation Only GCCGBI® demonstrates an exclusive, discrete and notable fellowship - only ascertaining access to its devoted members. To receive a membership within GCCGBI®, one ought to be recommended to our management. After a thorough examination, members will be accepted, fulfilling the criteria of our company. Our members range from prominent, top-class individuals to top-tier businesses that have proven their success in corporation, market andtrading - marking their way gloablly as the leaders of tomorrow. We offer the following: Investment advisory aligned with German thinking: safe, solid, low risk Latest technologies from German speaking countries, GCC, Asia, LATAM Leading Companies from German speaking countries, GCC, Asia, LATAM Technology Transfer, Knowledge & Innovation Tranfer Consulting in Investment, Finance, Mergers & Acquisitons Industry Competence in Design, Engineering and LifeScience Blockchain Technology & Blockchain Assessment Investment Attractive Foreign Direct Investment & Digital Promotion Service High expertise in business growth, innovation, cultural moderation Selectively chosen high-ranking network in above economic regions Support Investment of Instit. Investors, PE Investors, Fam. Offices Membership at GCCGBI® INVESTORS CLUB Our consult fields are the following: GCCGBI® MEMBERSHIP: PRICE on REQUEST GCCGBI® has No Competitor Worlwide. GCCGBI® is Protected by German Patentamt at German Patent Trade Mark Office / DPMA. Patent No. 3020162043729 For more information, kindly contact us at germany@gccgbi.com |