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UtaGruda, CEO of GCC-German Business Invest invited to Abu Dhabi Economic Forum 2009

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GCCGBI High Govt Meetings in Bahrain - July 2009

GCC-German Business Invest GCCGBI has High Govt Meetings in Bahrain, July 2009

GCC-German Business Invest, GCCGBI has high govt meetings in Bahrain, topic Foreign Direct Investment FDI, Real Estate and Oil Technology

GCC-German Business Invest at Near and ME Economic Conference
- May 2009

GCC-German Business Invest'CEO Uta Gruda has the honor to take part at Near and Middle East Conference on FRIDAY 29th MAY, Konzerthaus Gendarmenmarkt 10117 Berlin. The Near and Middle East is becoming one of the most important regions for the future. Accordingly, the business opportunities available to German companies for their products and services are manifold.

Uta Gruda, CEO of GCCGBI has the honor to be invited at Near and Middle East Economic Conference 2009, Berlin Germany
The Near and Middle East Annual Economic Conference took place on 29th May, 2009, 01.00 – 04.30 pm also in Konzerthaus Gendarmenmarkt Berlin and offers an excellent opportunity for the German business community to get first-hand information from German Ministries and Ambassadors of the Near and Middle East Countries in Berlin.

Uta Gruda, CEO of GCCGBI has the honor to be invited at Near and Middle East Economic Conference 2009, Berlin Germany.

GCCGBI at Abu Dhabi Economic Forum, ADEF in Abu Dhabi - March 2009, UAE

GCC-German Business Invest's CEO Uta Gruda is invited from Abu Dhabi Govt to participate at Abu Dhabi Economic Forum 02.-03.03.2009 in Abu Dhabi, Emirates Palace.

"It was a wonderful and successful week, good meetings with investors and local business partners" - said Uta Gruda, Chairwoman of GCC-German Business Invest - Abu Dhabi.

Uta Gruda, GCCGBI's CEO, is invited from Abu Dhabi Govt to take part at Abu Dhabi Economic Forum 2009, ADEF 2009 in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi has recently unveiled its new economic strategy which includes a fully-fledged plan to develop Abu Dhabi into a major economic hub that builds on the Emirate fundamental strength and its vast resources. Abu Dhabi economic strategy will generate a lot of opportunities particularly in industries like energy, petrochimicals and services. Many of these opportunities are being realized thru partnerships with global players.

Although the current global situation, Abu-Dhabi economy has shown a good deal of resilience coupled with swift government response that was aimed at containing the fallout and allowing the local market to continue its normal course. Although the worldwide crisis the fundamental strength of the Abu Dhabi economy will allow that to happen without disruption of the economic activity or any significant change in the country's vision and economic objectives. Abu Dhabi will continue its strategy of building a full scale partnership with world leading companies with view of developing an efficient knowledge based economy, world class education and social progress.

Abu Dhabi Economic Forum (ADEF 2009) did provide a comprehensive update of Abu Dhabi economic strategy and plans while highlighting the opportunities that are still abundant and available in the post crisis phase. The forum did offer participants with an opportunity to focus on assessing the latest development in the global financial and economic crisis and its repercussions on the regional economies and investment environment in the region and across the globe.


Abu Dhabi Economic Strategy
How does Abu Dhabi see the global economic crisis?
Abu Dhabi's Opportunities and Partnership
Drivers for a New Real Estate Cycle
Investing in a Time of Crisis
Opportunities in crisis time
Abu Dhabi and Gulf strategies for growing thru and after crisis

2009-2025 | GCC-German Business Invest®